Poodle Puppies

Fashionably Intelligent Show Dogs

Poodles: Fashionably Intelligent Show Dogs

Poodles are perhaps one of the most fashionable and iconic breeds of show dogs. Often admired for their grace and beauty, these well-mannered show dogs also got the gift of wits as they are one of the most intelligent and easy to train dogs out there.

With their signature haircuts, frequent appearance in prestigious dog shows, and their title as the world’s best fashion accessory, it is no surprise that they are named as the national dog of the capital of all things fashion and trend — France!

But don’t be fooled by their sophistication and glamour, these fashion dogs are actually really very smart and are efficient in a variety of useful skills. Crowned as beauty queens and jacks (or jills!) of all trades of the canine world, poodles really are the epitome of “beauty and brains”!

Kudlepups Poodle Maintenance

Poodle Fun Facts:

Kudlepups Poodle Appearance

Although they are frequently associated with France and luxurious lifestyles, Poodles actually originated from Germany. Their name itself is derived from the German term, “Pudel”, which means “to splash water”. This is taken from the historical context that poodles were actually raised and bred as working dogs during the late 1800s.

Due to their intelligence and trainability, they were often used by hunters as “water retrievers”. Water retrievers are dogs who would splash in the water, hunt and retrieve waterfowls during hunting season. Before breeders and dog stylists took a liking to them, they were first adored by farmers and hunters, who would often bring them along during hunting season. The ancestors of the poodles were initially trained as gun dogs and would often track and stalk prey, and retrieve fallen game for their human companions.

Not only were they good hunting dogs, but they also proved to be amazing entertainers. Due to the ease in training poodles, these intelligent dogs were often seen travelling with circus troupes parading and performing tricks for adoring crowds. Since then, they have traded up circus tents for the stage, as poodles entered the world of show dogs, and walked the runways for fashion weeks and designer brands.

What do Poodles look like?

As one of the popular dog breeds, poodles have an easily recognizable distinct appearance. They have long, small faces and dark almond-shaped eyes, situated high above their noses. Their muzzle are long and pointed, a perfect hunter’s nose, which further enhances their keen sense of smell. Poodles have long, floppy ears that are set high on their heads and drapes lazily by the side of their face.

Poodles are also famed for their thin long legs, lean elongated bodies and flat backs, which inspired the dog-shape balloon animal. They have small paws that are perfect for creeping up and stalking their prey. Proportional to their bodies are their short, thin tails that are often shaved in the shaft and styled with a bushy pom-pom at the end.

Of course, these fashion dogs are famed for their thick and curly coat that are often styled in a myriad of ways. Unlike most dogs, poodles have hair instead of fur. Dog furs have a tendency to grow only a certain length and would then fall off once they reached their maximum length. Poodles, on the other hands, have human-like hair that is immune to shedding and would keep growing until they are trimmed. As such, their curly hair is prone to tangling and would often require regular brushing, grooming, and clipping to maintain their fashionable look.

Poodle pup Kudlepups


Poodles are generally very gentle and intelligent dogs.

They have a low tendency to bark, dig, or drool and have an impeccable self-discipline (if trained properly). They have a calm and sweet demeanor which makes them safe to be around small children and other pets. Poodles are also adaptable and can alternate between indoor and outdoor living.

They also have an innate curiosity and laser focus which makes it easy to train them. Although poodles possess high energy levels, they tend to spend this energy more on mental stimulation and physical exercise rather than aggression. Despite their ability to warmly welcome strangers and unfamiliar faces, poodles with their sharp wits and discipline, may be trained to be vigilant watch dogs.

Poodles are also often used as guide dogs for blind people as they are very protective of their owners. Their versatility, gentleness and intelligence make them perfect dogs for families with children and disabled members.

However, due to their sharp wits, they can be very sensitive and respond negatively to intense and harsh training. Hence, when living with a poodle one must be both firm and reassuring so as not to stress and overwhelm them.

In addition, these intelligent dogs tend to be easily bored and would often require regular mental and physical stimulation. Poodles often enjoy learning new tricks, retrieving games and agility and obstacle games. However, if you have a hard time keeping up with the strenuous activities that Poodles prefer, you may opt to challenge them mentally instead, by teaching them obedience trials and playing problem-solving games.


What to expect

Poodles are notorious for demanding your time and attention.

As show dogs, they are used to people showering them with affection and adoration and they would expect nothing less from you. It is imperative that you introduce them to friends, members of the family and other pets, so that they can learn to be independent and socialise. This way, they would not depend on you too much for psychological stimulation.

Since they possess a high level of energy and an average lifespan of around 12 – 18 years, expect that you will have to commit to having a more active and engaging lifestyle as poodles (especially pups!) would need frequent walking, playing and agility training to maintain their liveliness and health.

As one of the most versatile breeds of dogs, brandishing both physical and mental prowess, you will need to match the bold and active routine that these fashionably intelligent show dogs require.

At the end of the day, owning a poodle is more than just a hobby or a luxury – owning poodles is a lifestyle!

Kudlepups Poodle Temperament

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