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Older Puppies

Our Puppy Breeds

king charles cavalier puppies for sale

King Charles Spaniel

If you are in the market for a sweet, loving, and playful dog, but you’re afraid that the active lifestyle for high-intensity activities and frequent dog walks just isn’t for you, then perhaps the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the perfect dog for you!

moodle puppies for sale new south wales


Moodles are perhaps the cutest and cuddliest pet you can ask for! They are a hybrid mix between a Maltese and a Toy-size or miniature Poodle. These low-maintenance dogs are one of the most popular ‘designer’ dog breeds for pet owners.

Kudlepups Dachshund for sale

Mini Dachshund

The dachshund is one of the most popular and easily recognizable dog breeds in the world, with their distinct look and prominent media appearance. They are often comically and affectionately being referred to as “hotdogs”, because of their elongated and shiny bodies.

Kudlepups Pomeranian for sale


Pomeranians, or often affectionately shortened to Poms, are a popular breed of “toy dogs”.  The  Poms’ popularity among canine lovers is hugely attributed to their small, yet fluffy appearance, as well as their bright-eyed sense of wonder and curiosity.

Kudlepup Cavoodle For Sale Square


Inheriting the friendly demeanor of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the intelligence of a Poodle, Cavoodles make for great house pets as they are gentle and intelligent dogs that can be trained easily for indoor living.

Kudlepup Poodle for sale


Poodles are perhaps one of the most fashionable and iconic breeds of show dogs. Often admired for their grace and beauty, these well-mannered show dogs also got the gift of wits as they are one of the most intelligent and easy to train dogs out there.

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