Miniature Dachshund: Lively and Energetic Dogs

The dachshund is one of the most popular and easily recognizable dog breeds in the world, with its distinct look and prominent media appearance. They are often comically and affectionately being referred to as “hotdogs”, because of their elongated and shiny bodies. But don’t be fooled by their adorable appearance thought. These weiner dogs are famed for their fearlessness and bold persona associated with their history as hunting dogs.

The miniature dachshund is a smaller designer dog version of the standard dachshund breed. Although most designer dogs are bred for domestication and companionship, it wasn’t always the case for the mini dachshund. Hailing from a family of hunters and hound dogs, the mini dachshunds were exclusively bred for their small sizes so that they may aid in hunting smaller and burrowing prey like rabbits, vermin, and badgers.

Kudlepups Dachshund Breeders

Dachshund Fun Facts:

Kudlepups Mini Dachshund Appearance

It may not come as a surprise due to the nature of its name, but the dachshund breeds were originally bred in Germany. In fact, their name itself is an amalgam of two german terms “Dach, which means Badger, and “Hund”, which is a term for dog. Therefore, the term Dachshund is a rough translation of their nature as badger hunters.

Out of all the dog breeds whose roots trace back to Germany, the Dachshunds perhaps are the ones beloved most by the country. So much so, it seems, that during the 1972 Olympic Summer Games, which was held in Munich, Germany, a dachshund took the honour of being the first official mascot of the event.

Not only were the dachshunds an influential figure in German sports, but they also had a significant impact on the world of German Cuisine. Hot dogs, or frankfurters (German sausages), were initially called “Dachshund sausages” by a German butcher, who owned a Dachshund dog. Nowadays, the term evolved towards what we now know and love as “hotdogs”!

What do Dachshunds look like?

Through time, different breeds of dachshunds emerged due to cross-breeding, but their signature “hotdog-like” appearance remains the same. Currently, dachshunds are differentiated according to their size (Standard and Miniature), and coating (smooth, wire-haired, and long-haired).

Standard-sized dachshunds are significantly larger and taller than the minis; whereas miniature dachshunds typically weigh around 3kg to 5kg and would only grow until they are about 13cm to 18cm tall. Any taller or heavier than that, then the breed would automatically be considered as a standard dachshund. On the other hand, wire-haired dachshunds typically have matted, rough and textured coating. Long-haired dachshunds are often seen sporting long, soft and flowy tresses similar to that of a Maltese. Lastly, smooth-haired dachshunds are your typical hotdogs with short-trimmed coats, that are clean, shiny and supple.

However, these different breeds all have the “sausage-build”in common. Dachshunds are quite famed for their short, stubby legs, lean elongated bodies. They also have small pear-shaped heads with long, narrow noses that further enhances their keen sense of smell. Their ears are like large, flat leaves, hanging limply by the side of their heads. They also often have long, thin tails that are arguably much longer than their legs.

Breeders purposely design miniature dachshunds to have their specific shape and size for functional purposes. As hunting dogs, their short, muscular legs are efficient when it comes to digging, while their elongated slim bodies make it easier for them to wriggle around tunnels and burrows to catch small prey. Their elongated noses and large ears further enhances their senses making them sharper during the hunt.

Kudlepups Mini Daschund for Sale


Regardless of their size, miniature dachshunds are just as lively and agile as their standard-sized counterparts. They have high energy levels and often require physical stimulation. However, unlike most house dogs, mini dachshunds tend to get over-excited and unruly making them difficult to be around smaller children. Because of their hunting instincts, they may get easily agitated by the loud sounds and small sudden movements that children make.

Mini dachshunds are brave and fearless creatures making them a bit stubborn. This makes training them somewhat difficult as they would not submit easily and would only comply if they are presented with treats or affection. They are also generally suspicious, due to their hunting nature, and would often be indifferent or aggressive to a stranger. Hence, it is important to introduce them to members of the family, friends, and
neighbors so that they can socialise and familiarise themselves with frequent guests.

Due to their small size and high energy levels, these weiner dogs are generally full of energy and restless. They often appear in lively and sunny disposition, and would always be up for a little bit of playfulness.


What to expect

Dachshund pups often have less control of their hyperactive nature than that of their more mature counterparts. As such, they may be prone to unruly, destructive behaviors if not housebroken properly. Mini dachshunds have a tendency to dig through your garden, scratch your floorboards and chew on anything they set their teeth into.

Just remember to have patience with them and be consistent in their training. There is no use matching their stubborn attitude with harsh training methods as this will only cause a rift on your relationship. It would be wise to spend their pent-up energy instead on “hunt-games”such as burying their favorite toys and having them look for it. Or burning excess energy through long walks and learning new tricks.

At the end of the day, having a mini dachshund around can be such a delight as they can be fun and lively little balls of energy. Their fiercely dependable nature also makes them good emotional-support dogs as they can burn your worries away through hours of fun, and make you laugh with their silly tricks and comical hotdog-like appearance.

Kudlepups Mini Dachshund

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