Improve Your knowledge of dog care and well-being

Dog Care Program

If you want to experience what it’s like to own and care for a dog to better prepare for welcoming a new furry friend into your life, then our Task Orientated Dog Care service may be for you. 

The Kudlepups team will help you chose an individual dog from our available pups that suits your personality and activity level. Upon enquiry for this service, the Kudlepups team will ask a series of questions to better understand what breed you’d like to interact with and find an individual dog from our available pups to suit you and the outcome you’re hoping to get from participating in Dog Care. 

About Kudlepups Task Orientated Dog Care Program

Our Task Orientated Dog Care service takes place in a secure environment to ensure you and our puppies or breeding dogs can interact safely and securely. This includes both indoor and outdoor areas with access to toilet amenities. 

Dog Care activities may include:

  • Cleaning your selected dog’s pen (chosen upon interview) where the participant will replace bedding, sweep and mop dog area, clean water and food dish, ensure dry food is available. 
  • Brushing, washing and grooming selected dog.
  • Learning how to handle, lead and play with your dog. 
  • Enjoying self-allocated time to get to know your dog.

Participants must wear covered shoes, a long-sleeved shirt and long pants to protect your skin from overexcited dogs or puppies who may accidentally scratch you as they try to give you their love and attention. 

To protect our furry family, we will supply you with F10 spray, a veterinary disinfectant. This helps to reduce the risk of bacterial, viral, fungicidal and sporicidal spread and contamination. We will also ask you to sanitise your hands before puppy interaction.

    dog care program kudlepups young nsw
    kudlepups dog care program

    Task Orientated Dog Care Program Cost


    $35 per hour


    $25 per person per hour


    $15 per person per hour

    Interested in Kudlepups Task Orientated Dog Care Program?

    Our task orientated dog care is a great way to explore the aspects of owning a dog without having to make the full commitment of purchasing one. It allows you to build your confidence, see how your kids interact with animals and help decide on what dog breed might best suit your living situation.

    If you’re interested to try Kudlepup’s task orientated dog care service, please fill out our expression of interest form. We will be in touch to discuss details and will do our best to accommodate your preferred day and time.

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